Release Notes - InspectionXpert Software

InspectionXpert 2.0 SP8.1

Written by Sathish Kasilingam | Apr 24, 2019 5:14:20 PM


  • Based on customer feedback (you can submit yours in the ideas portal) we've moved the ability to make balloons and other objects transparent to the main color options. 
  • DWG files open much faster than before. In the past a 780 MB file could take 10 minutes to load, now it's down to 2 minutes. 
  • InspectionXpert will now remember the last saved or last opened directories and the last monitor used if the PC has multiple monitors connected. 
  • Creo DRW file display has been improved to more closely match how they look when opening in Creo. Support for extraction of DRW files has also been improved. 

Bug Fixes

  • There have been bug fixes to the Net-Inspect v5 integration that improve the overall functionality of exporting inspection reports and ballooned PDFs from InspectionXpert to Net-Inspect.
  • Problems opening project files from older versions of InspectionXpert have been resolved, you can now open files created in older versions of InspectionXpert 2.0. 
  • You can now turn off automatic copying notes to the comments cell by unchecking the CAMS box in Options.